
The project has been prepared and planned for implementation with the support of three major partners from the countries of the Visegrad Group. Among them the following institutions are:

University of Wroclaw
Faculty of Social Sciences
The Institute of Political Science
Plac Uniwersytecki 1
Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland
Tel #: +48 713755059
University of Prešov
Faculty of Arts
Institute of Political Sciences
17 Novembra 1
Prešov, 08001, Slovakia
Tel #: +42 1517570809
University of Pecs
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Political Science and International Studies
Vasvari P. Utca 4
Pécs, H-7622, Hungary
Tel #: +36 72501500

The reasons for selecting the partners: represent the countries of the Visegrad Group; practice in building, shaping and implementing new methods and tools of Political Science; long-term scientific and publishing cooperation with the representatives of the applicant; extensive experience in implementing national and international projects; relatively close geographic location to the planned place of the project. The partners will have the task of transferring the methods and tools of Political Science from the countries of the Visegrad Group to Ukraine.